Project Details
The school district utilized the Sourcewell contract (then called NJPA) with BlueScope Construction to achieve its goals of a faster and easier channel for construction. BlueScope worked with the local Butler Builder to complete the work and involve local subcontractors. The following statement is from a testimonial letter supplied by the Sourcewell member:
“As Superintendent of Bethel Local Schools, I would love to share with you a positive building experience I had working with BlueScope Construction Government Services.
Recently, I was confronted with the need to add a 3-bay addition onto our district’s bus barn. Realizing that it was going to be a costly venture, I cringed at just the thought of starting the bidding process! I was on a time constraint and knew how long that process could take. It was at that time I was introduced to BlueScope Construction, a general contractor that specializes in commercial and government facilities. They offered complete planning and budgeting from project conception to completion. Unlike other companies, BlueScope Construction was part of the National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA) [now known as Sourcewell], a national cooperative contract company. NJPA creates cooperative contract purchasing solutions on behalf of their members which include all government, education and non-profit agencies nationwide. As a result of this alliance, I was able to forego the bidding process and start my project in half the time!
As someone who considers time a precious commodity, I readily encourage other district superintendents to consider companies who are part of the NJPA process. Not only was their pricing competitive nationwide but also their ability to save time and of course, some of the headaches that come with any sizeable building project!”
The official also stated she believed besides the time savings, they saved up to $300,000 in total costs.
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